Friday, February 08, 2008

What's deadlier than spraypaint? Electoral Politics Friday

I've been missing my electoral politics Fridays

But I have been meaning to say how incensed I was that John Key & Helen Clark both went ahead with their speeches of the dangers of young people, when an old businessman had just murdered a young tagger.

You would think, from the way the media reacted, that possibly it was the other way round. 20/20 has advertisement for a segment they're doing where they say to a woman "Your oldest son is a [dramatic pause] tagger" with all the seriousness as if if the oldest son in question had been a rapist.*

The murderer had decided that his property was worth more than that boy's life. Right now by joining in the tut-tuting about tagging and youth crime a lot of people are indicating that they agree with him

*Actually far more seriousness, unfortunately.