Tuesday, March 07, 2006

But if she's a slut then surely the state has some right to her body?

I'm sorry Sunday protest blogging hasn't been, my Sundays have been sucking beyond the telling of it recently, which leaves little room fo blogging. I will have an exciting blogging development tomorrow (well it's exciting if you're me, otherwise I don't promise anything). But right now I just have time to write a quick post about George Hawkins and sharing the hate I have for Gordon Copeland around:

The Manurewa MP and former minister plans to draft a private member's bill to get the state more involved in providing advice on contraception and sterilisation to women who seek more than one abortion, he told Newstalk ZB yesterday.
The asshole can come back when he's got a 100% effective, reversible, side-effect free form of contraception (when I will tell him to fuck off, because it's none of his business whether women want to use it or not).

I don't think we've got much to worry about - apparently Labour MPs have to get caucus consent to put a private members bill in the ballot, so I doubt it'll get in. I don't generally use the word 'trust' when talking about a Labour government, but if I was going to trust this current government on any one issue, it would be maintaining abortion rights and access at their current level (if they had any principles at all it'd be a hell of a lot better by now).

But I do find it interesting that there has been a definate increase in the attacks against abortion recently, although they don't have a chance in hell of passing. None of these attacks come straight out and attempt to ban abortion (or even enforce the law), or even seem to have much to do with the New Zealand legal environment around abortion (ever law proposed has been tried by one state or another in an effort to get around Roe vs. Wade). They seem to be trying to build a base.

I'm thinking now would be the time to start counter-organising.

1 comment:

  1. As I understand it George Hawkins has the right to put in a private members bill simply on the fact he is an MP. Getting caucus consent might be a convention of the Labour party but George might decide to do it as revenge for dumping him from cabinet. That is certainly what this proposed bill looks like.

    George Hawkins has always reminded me of Mr Creasote from Monty Python's meaning of life (the huge guy that blows up in a really grotesque fashion!) :)

    I also would not be surprised if United Future attempted to reach an unwritten understanding with Labour to allow such a bill into the house as a condition of UF support. Labour have already agreed to swallow similar NZFirst rats for power.
